Music Ministries
Trinity prides itself in a strong music program that involves singers and instrumentalists of all ability levels. We invite you to give one of our many musical groups a try! There are also opportunities for individuals and small groups to offer their gifts as special music throughout the year. Please contact our directors for more information.
Trinity’s Music Ministries
The Chancel Choir is a combined SATB group that practices weekly. They sing 2-3 times per month on Sundays and at other special worship services. Men’s and Women’s choirs sing at various services throughout the year on a more limited basis / smaller time commitment. Please contact Mike for more information.
Trinity Handbells practices weekly and rings in worship about once a month. People of a variety of skill levels are invited! When enough beginners are interested, we offer a bell group that practices and plays together. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact Joanne Tyjeski.
Beginner Handbells
Have you ever wanted to play handbells but don’t know where to start? Want to try your hand at something new or just have questions? Rehearsals for this brand new beginner group will be the second and fourth Sundays of each month for fall (Oct.-Dec.) and spring (Feb.-Apr.) seasons! You don’t need to commit to both seasons, and no experience is necessary. Anyone from grade 7 and above is invited!
Our congregation appreciates instrumental groups, ensembles, and solos as part of our worship services. If you have a talent you could share, please reach out to Mike for more information!